Source code for pytfa.optim.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. module:: pytfa
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Thermodynamics-based Flux Analysis

.. moduleauthor:: pyTFA team

Relaxation of models with constraint too tight

from copy import deepcopy

import optlang
import pandas as pd
import sympy
from cobra.core.solution import Solution

from sympy.core.numbers import Zero

from numbers import Number

from .constraints import GenericConstraint
from .variables import ForwardUseVariable, BackwardUseVariable
from .variables import GenericVariable

[docs]INTEGER_VARIABLE_TYPES = ('binary','integer')
[docs]def get_all_subclasses(cls): """ Given a variable or constraint class, get all the subclassses that inherit from it :param cls: :return: """ all_subclasses = [] for subclass in cls.__subclasses__(): all_subclasses.append(subclass) all_subclasses.extend(get_all_subclasses(subclass)) return all_subclasses
def chunk_sum(variables): """ This functions handles the sum of many sympy variables by chunks, which somehow increases the speed of the computation You can test it in IPython: ```python a = sympy.symbols('a0:100') %timeit (sum(a)) # >>> 198 µs ± 11.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each) b = sympy.symbols('b0:1000') %timeit (sum(b)) # >>> 1.85 ms ± 356 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each) c = sympy.symbols('c0:3000') %timeit (sum(c)) # >>> 5min 7s ± 2.57 s per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each) ``` See the `github thread <>`_ :param variables: :return: """ partial_sums = [] for chunk_no in range(len(variables) % SYMPY_ADD_CHUNKSIZE): first_index = chunk_no * SYMPY_ADD_CHUNKSIZE last_index = (chunk_no + 1) * SYMPY_ADD_CHUNKSIZE this_chunk = variables[first_index:last_index] this_sum = sum(this_chunk) partial_sums.append(this_sum) return sum(partial_sums) def symbol_sum(variables): """ ``` python a = symbols('a0:100') %timeit Add(*a) # >>> 10000 loops, best of 3: 34.1 µs per loop b = symbols('b0:1000') %timeit Add(*b) # >>> 1000 loops, best of 3: 343 µs per loop c = symbols('c0:3000') %timeit Add(*c) # >>> 1 loops, best of 3: 1.03 ms per loop ``` See the `github thread <>`_ :param variables: :return: """ from sympy import Add k=0 # If we encounter a zero, which is a special type, increase k while isinstance(variables[k], Zero) and k<len(variables): k+=1 if k == len(variables): # everything is 0 return 0 if k>len(variables): #it's only zeroes return 0 if isinstance(variables[k], GenericVariable): return Add(*[x.variable for x in variables]) elif isinstance(variables[k], optlang.interface.Variable) or \ isinstance(variables[k], sympy.Mul) or \ isinstance(variables[k], sympy.Add) or \ isinstance(variables[k], Number): return Add(*variables) else: raise ValueError('Arguments should be of type Number, sympy.Add, or sympy.Mul, ' 'or optlang.Variable, or GenericVariable') def get_solution_value_for_variables(solution, these_vars, index_by_reaction = False): if isinstance(these_vars[0],GenericVariable): var_ids = [ for x in these_vars] elif isinstance(these_vars[0],optlang.Variable): var_ids = [ for x in these_vars] elif isinstance(these_vars[0],str): var_ids = these_vars else: raise TypeError('''<these_vars> should be of type pytfa.solving.Variable, optlang.Variable, or str''') if index_by_reaction: var2rxn = { for v in these_vars} ret = solution.raw[var_ids] ret = ret.index.replace(var2rxn) return ret else: return solution.raw[var_ids]
[docs]def compare_solutions(models): """ returns the solution dictionnary for each cobra_model :param (iterable (pytfa.thermo.ThermoModel)) models: :return: """ return pd.concat([x.solution.raw for x in models], axis=1)
[docs]def evaluate_constraint_at_solution(constraint, solution): """ :param expression: :param solution: pandas.DataFrame, with index as variable names :return: """ if isinstance(solution,Solution): solution = solution.raw if isinstance(constraint, GenericConstraint): constraint = constraint.constraint # subs_dict = {x:solution.loc[] for x in constraint.variables} # return constraint.expression.subs(subs_dict) coefs = constraint.get_linear_coefficients(constraint.expression.free_symbols) values = {x:solution.loc[] for x in constraint.expression.free_symbols} return symbol_sum([coefs[x]*values[x] for x in coefs])
[docs]def get_active_use_variables(tmodel,solution): """ Returns the active use variables in a solution. Use Variables are binary variables that control the directionality of the reaction ex: FU_ACALDt BU_PFK :type tmodel: pytfa.core.ThermoModel :param tmodel: :param solution: :return: """ use_variables = tuple(tmodel.get_variables_of_type(BackwardUseVariable)) \ + tuple(tmodel.get_variables_of_type(ForwardUseVariable)) epsilon = tmodel.solver.configuration.tolerances.integrality return [x for x in use_variables if abs(solution.raw[]-1)<epsilon]
[docs]def get_direction_use_variables(tmodel,solution): """ Returns the active use variables in a solution. Use Variables are binary variables that control the directionality of the reaction The difference with get_active_use_variables is that variables with both UseVariables at 0 will return as going forwards. This is to ensure that the output size of the function is equal to the number of FDPs ex: FU_ACALDt BU_PFK :type tmodel: pytfa.core.ThermoModel :param tmodel: :param solution: :return: """ fwd_use_variables = tmodel.get_variables_of_type(ForwardUseVariable) bwd_use_variables = tmodel.get_variables_of_type(BackwardUseVariable) epsilon = tmodel.solver.configuration.tolerances.feasibility return [fwd_use_variables.get_by_id( if abs(solution.raw[fwd_use_variables.get_by_id(]-1) < epsilon else bwd_use_variables.get_by_id( for x in tmodel.reactions ]
[docs]def get_primal(tmodel, vartype, index_by_reactions = False): """ Returns the primal value of the cobra_model for variables of a given type :param tmodel: :param vartype: Class of variable. Ex: pytfa.optim.variables.ThermoDisplacement :param index_by_reactions: Set to true to get reaction names as index instead of variables. Useful for Escher export :return: """ the_vars = tmodel.get_variables_of_type(vartype) if index_by_reactions: return pd.Series({ for x in the_vars}) else: return pd.Series({ for x in the_vars})
[docs]def strip_from_integer_variables(tmodel): """ Removes all integer and binary variables of a cobra_model, to make it sample-able :param tmodel: :return: """ continuous_model = tmodel.copy() = + ' - continuous' integer_variables = set() constraints_with_integer_variables = [] # We go through all the constraint descriptors and check if at least one of # their variables is in the integer variable list for this_cons in continuous_model._cons_dict.values(): has_integer_variable = False for this_var in this_cons.constraint.variables: if this_var.type in INTEGER_VARIABLE_TYPES: has_integer_variable += True this_var_descriptor = continuous_model._var_dict[] integer_variables.add(this_var_descriptor) if has_integer_variable: constraints_with_integer_variables.append(this_cons) for this_cons in constraints_with_integer_variables: continuous_model.remove_constraint(this_cons) for this_var in integer_variables: continuous_model.remove_variable(this_var) continuous_model.solver.update() # This will update the values = print('Is the cobra_model still integer ? {}' \ .format(continuous_model.solver.is_integer)) return continuous_model
[docs]def copy_solver_configuration(source, target): """ Copies the solver configuration from a source model to a target model :param source: :param target: :return: """ # LP method try: target.solver.configuration.lp_method = source.solver.configuration.lp_method except AttributeError: pass # Presolve target.solver.configuration.presolve = source.solver.configuration.presolve # Timeout target.solver.configuration.timeout = source.solver.configuration.timeout # Tolerances for tol_name in dir(source.solver.configuration.tolerances): tol = getattr(source.solver.configuration.tolerances, tol_name) setattr(target.solver.configuration.tolerances, tol_name, tol) # Additionnal solver-specific settings try: # Gurobi if source.solver.interface.__name__ == 'optlang.gurobi_interface': from gurobipy import GurobiError for k in dir(source.solver.problem.Params): if not k.startswith('_'): try: v = getattr(source.solver.problem.Params, k) setattr(target.solver.problem.Params, k, v) except GurobiError: pass except ModuleNotFoundError: pass # Verbosity target.solver.configuration.verbosity = source.solver.configuration.verbosity